Friday, August 24, 2012

Wow, it has been a long time!  Now that Bolivia will officially be our home, seems funny to take a camera every where taking pictures of day to day things.  Below are some mostly of Koddie's and her new school, and the adventures we have had as a family with this new chapter.  It has only been two weeks with Koddie's in school, and she is just flourishing, and at the same time giving an AMAZING witness!  

Let me give you all a few examples of that for all you proud, aunts, uncles, and grandparents out there!  Today, she had a half day and we went to pick her up from school.  So, we took the opportunity to talk to her teacher again about our beliefs and what Dakota would and would not be participating in.  Just to give you all a little background here in Bolivia.  Teaching religion has been band by the new president for the first time in the history of Bolivia.  So instead they teach something called Values...which is basically religion rapped up in a pretty package.  This month Patriotism is the value.  They don't salute the flag everyday like in the states but once a week they sing both the American and Bolivian National anthem.  

So we wanted to review that with the teacher although Dakota had already given her the brochure, but when we came upon the subject, she stopped us and told us not to worry, because Dakota had already told her she didn't participate in such activities and why.  She said she respected our beliefs and will always keep Dakota involved in other activities. She said, "Dakota has a wonderful personality and gets along with everyone and even when she does something wrong she realizes it and reasons well about it.  She is a pleasure to have in class."

One last experience of many: Dakota is now preaching in studies too adding additional comments to the householder about why we get sick and die, or why we have inherited sin.  She makes us glow with pride, we can only imagine how Jehovah feels!  She loves service and on her days off from school and one afternoon a week we go out from door to door and to RV's and studies, where she is always taking an active part.  The other day she placed 8 magazines and a book at the mobil stand we preach at on Saturdays!

Things here are great, we as a family are reaping the rewards of Matthew 6:33, Malachi 3:10 and so many other promises Jehovah give us!  Seeing Dakota grow like this is truly an invaluable PRIVILEGE!!!  We love you all and hope to see most of you when we are home from September 18th-October 18th!!!  Three weeks and counting! :-)
Our daily bible reading, Koddie drawing pictures to remember and understand.

Walking in the city.

Another city pic.

Koddie getting ready to share the brochure with her new teacher on orientation day.

Right outside of her school, on the way to the bus back home, after her first day.

A few pics of Koddie's Classroom, her cubbyhole.

Her table.

List of helpers.

Circle time area.

Arts and crafts

First day of school, waiting for the Taxi.

At school after several announcements...headed to class.

In front of our house on the first day of taking the bus.

A few pictures of the city on our runs.

Back to school night.

Koddie's bus as it drove away with our little girl, and a little pic of our block! 

Can you guess who this is?

Sorry don't know how to rotate! ;-P

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