Greetings! This took us about 2 hours to we are hoping you all really enjoy it! We have't posted anything since our trip to Tin-Tin which was over 5 months ago. Here you will see a variety of photos from then till now. We were able to go to the zone visit, here in Bolivia back in February. There are some pictures from Memorial, and a wedding we were invited to, a kid's party and even videos including a hail storm we had recently... AND many, Many, MANY of Dakota just getting older and her many end of school year adventures for all you grandparents and family members out there! :-)
Our congregation is doing wonderfully, really growing just to give you an idea we arrived to Bolivia on June 4th, 2011...2 years ago...time flies. When we arrived there were 106 and now we are 142 and counting! There is much work to be done here and all over the world! I love what the sub-co told us on our last visit..."The teacher does much work to give a student a solid foundation to become a witness, showing them how the organization works, what Jehovah expects from his faithful servants, and helping him/her cultivate love for Jehovah...but it's the congregation that makes disciples!" Well, Jacaranda is making disciples for sure there is a wonderful, happy, unified, loving spirit amoungst the brothers and it's a PRIVILEDGE to serve with them at this exciting time!
Dakota is doing very well still preaching with pride to everyone she comes across, students, teachers, from door to door and even on the phone! During this school year she placed many magazines, books and bibles with both staff and students. Even making return visits, and she has 2 for the future we will be visiting with this summer. She really has a true love for Jehovah's work, and we hope to keep cultivating that seed in her little heart! :-)
Char working on his singing skills at the Bolivia Branch. |
Dakota and her little friends love to take a hand in cleaning the kingdom hall! |
Pique Macho...any and every type of meat you can think of grilled and served over french fries. |
Enjoying lunch with friends! |
During the zone visit weekend the branch has a very special tour prepared for all of the Bolivia friends! |
Bethel Mid Bolivian summer |
Zone Visit 2013! Over 14,000 of the 22,000 witnesses of Bolivia attended! :-) |
Bethel Fun! |
Future sewing department |
It was SOOOOO HOT in Santa Cruz at the zone visit...we were wearing layers of sweat! But we were filled with JOY! |
Campaign work for the memorial headed out to "La Maica" our farm territory Dakota LOVES it there!
La Maica |
One of the many seeds Dakota has sown! Now a regular study of her's and our's our old neighbors! Pablito, Teresita, y bebe. |
Just too cute in service, a brother lent her his sunglasses. |
Getting ready for her ring bearer responsibilities! |
Typical day in service, picking exotic flowers. |
Jamil and Koddie, he gave the ring to the groom and Dakota gave it to the bride. |
Me and Mery Dakota's Bolivian Grandma, one of the most ZEALOUS pioneers I know! One of the reasons the congregation is growing so quickly! |
You know us! ;-) |
One of my favorite studies made it to Memorial Amalia. This 84 year old woman is learning bible truths for the first time, it is a joy to see her eyes light up in wonder on every study! And she just loves Dakota! |
This is priceless! |
At memorial, another sister and I had the privilege of getting the flower can't see it well here, but it really was beautiful. Jehovah blessed our work. |
The bride and groom. |
At Koddie's school for the science fair. |
Some of Koddie's classmates...her own little territory. |
Dakota showing us the many wonders of a cow. Their science project was farm animals. |
Yumi, the sub-CO's wife, I've never met such a wonderfully encouraging sister that lifts any child's spirits with just a smile! Dakota fell in love with her. |
Still taking Koddie to the salon! |
Sunday afternoon at the park playing with friends. |
Potolos...Dakota's garb for her Bolivian Dance, about farmers cultivating the land. |
Make shift Chilindrina! |
two Chilindrina's and one Chavo ( VERY famous mexican show for kids...for those of you that aren't firmilar)! At our latest congregation kid's party! Boy did they have fun! |
Half of Dakota's class after their dance. |
Cutest Chilindrina I ever seen! ;-) |
A study at our hall made this cake for the kid's nice! |
Headed to Dakota's graduation. |
Can you tell I'm wearing 2 different earrings...I was in such a rush, wanted everything to be perfect that I didn't even notice until I got home! |
Nice Bolivian tradition, a parent walks the child down on the day of graduation, to show respect, and honor to the parents who also worked hard to give their child a stable future. |
It's official I graduated! |
Where's Koddie? |
At Bethel |
At Bethel, this represents one of the languages translated at the branch, Aymara. |
so stink'in AWESOME! We loved all the pics and the joy is seeping off the pages. Can't wait to see you face-to-face!!!! Keep up the awesome work.
ReplyDeleteEvery time a read such posts by you servants of Jehovah, slaving wholly and zealously, yet happily but not begrudgingly, you give me yet another reason why I need to double my efforts in service to our loving Creator. Truly, the blessings you are receiving are enormous and far outweigh whatever the world has to offer. May you continue to give your all to Jehovah, and surely, "there [will be] no more want" for you.—Malachi 3:10