Sunday, July 3, 2011

Artisan art at a near a free museum in Santa Cruz.

Our Bethel guides Armando y Delia wonderful brothers that took us all around the city of Santa Cruz, and form part of Aymara congregation.

Minnie Mouse at Dumbo one of the best restaurants in Bolivia famous for its sillpancho and Macho Pique.

Koddie making friends with other Aymara girls.

Another Artisan art peice.

Me wearing Delia's typical Aymara garb...this is special for you Pat! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I seriously love seeing Koodies "leash" LOL- you guys are such good parents! Actually it brought back memories for Spence...his mom had one for him when he was younger too!!
    Love all the pics and info- but don't worry, you all are missed!!
